22 February 2011

It's late, and I've lost my mind...

I added a gadget to this here bloggy -- a fish tank.  I now share a blog with cyber fish.

And here's the sad path my mind went down:

Wait...I have to feed them??  (Click on their tank)

What if everyone feeds them?  What if they get to be obese, and have fish Diabetes and gill breathing problems?

What if no one feed them?  What if they die of cyber starvation while I'm at work?  Should I feed them on a schedule??  Do fish need burping?

And what's in this food?  Is it high protein?  Are there cyber pesticides?  What if they have an allergy?!?!?!?

What if they have babies?  I don't have a lot room for additional tanks here, so no fishy hanky-panky!

...and this is why I should be in bed, asleep!

Feed my fish, willya?

:) Nighty-night. 

20 February 2011

Holy Hotness Understatement, Wiki-folks!

OK, so we all know I'm happily married.  But.

It wasn't my fault.  I just want to make sure you understand that.  I was forced to watch the movie "The Big Lebowski" with HWK and The Teenager.  I sighed.  I rolled my eyes.

 Then it happened.  I heard, then I saw...*him*:

"Samuel Pack "Sam" Elliott (born August 9, 1944) is an American actor. In films, he is often characterized by his rangy physique, thick horseshoe mustache and deep, resonant speaking voice."

The above is from Wikipedia.  Holy hotness understatement there, Wiki-folks!!

Ah, but what follows...what follows is my present to you:

And the voice.  The lovely, lovely gravelly voice:


I love you, HWK!!  Rawr!!!

It's been an interesting coupla weeks...

I've been settling in at the new POE (place of employment), and traveled a bit for business.  Had a close relative take on a pick-up truck in a crosswalk (ske's OK, but the truck won).  Washer broke down (in the middle of a load, naturally).  And Sammy, one of my feral kitty boys, is preggers...Sammy will henceforth be known as "Sami".

By last week, I was ready for:

Then my flying monkeys Unionized.

So, I had to:

Life has calmed...I didn't have to kill anyone...and I'm currently snacking on homemade banana bread.  Ahhhhhhh, everything is better with banana bread!

Anyway, sorry I was missing for a bit...give me a little bit more time...my nerves are still:

Anyone got any duct tape?!?!?!?!?

02 February 2011

Snow Day :)

There's freezing rain coming down, encasing our cars in a layer of ice and stopping trains from running to and fro.  Sooooo....it's a snow day!  HWK and I are off from work, and The Teenager's school is closed (for the second day)!!

The crock pot is full of:


And later, if The Teenager awakens before nightfall, we're gonna snuggle up under a big ole pile of afgans, pop us some of this:

and have us a 

I hope that, wherever you may be, the weather is being more cooperative.  If not, I hope you spend a lovely day with family and friends!!

Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm off to make me some hot chocolate and chillax!!

01 February 2011

Stop growing up!!!!

This used to be The Teenager:

This is The Teenager now:

We keep telling him he has to continue to get good grades, because we don't want him living in our basement, eating poptarts and playing video games, when he's 40.  Please don't tell him, but HWK and I secretly wouldn't mind.

This summer he turns 15.  Girls.  Guitars.  Girls.  Learner's Permit.  Girls.

Someone find me a therapist!  =O