31 December 2010

Business Flannel: My New Cause

I'm retiring to a life of leisure (trading in my Mom jeans and Farmville for dress pants and interoffice memos) on Monday.  I say retiring, cause Mommy work is hard!!  Just helping The Teenager translate teenage-girl-speak has been a challenge!!  And while I'm sad to not have as much time with HWK and The Teenager, I am excited to spend more time with adults and less time with Toffee the Evil Kitty.  I'm hoping absence will make her heart...well...I'm really just hoping she'll glare at me less.  I think I've been cramping her (napping) style!

The real tragedy of this change comes from having to spend way less time in my flannel jammies.  The best part of winter is wearing flannel jammies and poofy hand-knit by Mommy sox!!  As a nod to adulthood, I do wear thermal shirts (color-coordinated, natch), instead of head to toe character flannels, just so you know.  I think the thermal shirts add a touch of class!  ~*~

So this week, while buying new sneaks for The Teenager's ever-expanding feet, I scored marked down, now on clearance (and I had a coupon!!) jammies at JCPirates.  I'm telling you, JCP is my shopping mecca!!  I got me some fine, fine jammies. The Teenager, who has learned that it's not even worth it to remind me I'm an adult, held his tongue through multi-stripes, aqua with snowflakes and sheepies with scarves, aqua with black, hot pink and white stars, and even all thermal oatmeal with white and black sheep (red scarves, of course).  Add these to my red with rubber duckies, red Mickey Mouse (which are older than the-friend-that-got-them-for-me's 3 kids), and assorted other lovelies, and you have a jammie collection from Heaven!

The one pair that The Teenager balked at?  The lavender with sock monkeys on sleds!  They even had cute little matching scarves, hats and mitties!  He put his foot down, told me they were "weird" (*gasp*), and told me to "put 'em back".  Wow. 

It wasn't until I got The-Teenager-approved jammies home that I realized how much less time I will have to revel in their soft, warm comfiness!!

It made me sad.

                                          :(         :'(         :(         :'(    

Anywho, I told you all that (sorry) to tell you about this:  my status on Face(comic)book is:

Melissa thinks flannel jammies are perfect for all occasions. Perhaps if world leaders met in flannel jammies, we'd all live in a better world!    *extra points for sheep, sock monkeys and teddy bears*

And I really think I'm on to something here.  Yeah, yeah I know that everyone in the business world is all "but it's business casssssssuuuuaaaaalllll".  And just what the heck is that, really??  'Cause believe me, I've seen some very liberal interpretations of that phrase, my friends. 

But, sadly, I've never even heard of "business flannel".  And why?  Whhhyyyy?!?!?!?  (Insert pic of Nancy Kerrigan)        *extra points if you got that reference*

Business Flannel is an idea whose time has come.  Warm, soft, eco-friendly.  Easy to coordinate.  Does NOT go with heels!!  AND often comes with an elastic waist!  I mean, come on!  

I'm going to work up a business plan for Business Flannel as soon as I get back from my orientation.  Which is Down South.  I get a hotel room all to meself.  No Kitty.  No laundry.  No dishes. 

But I'm taking my flannel jammies!  

1 comment:

  1. Flannel Friday....Wooly Wednesday....Thermal Thursday....see! it can work! Think of how much happier people would be if they were comfortable all day long??? no stress, no tension, office moral would soar through the roof.
