I love Torchwood! I know there's going to be a reboot coming next summer, and I am hoping I can bear to watch it. OH, how I hope "they" don't mess with the awesomeness that is Torchwood!!
I did a little Wiki search ("Torchwood: The New World"). Captain returns, with Gwen, the husband and the baby!!
Torchwood is the perfect show for HWK. It has all the sci-fi and aliens that HWK loves, and all the angst ridden "do the right thing" drama that I love! Since Torchwood is a Doctor Who spin-off (did you know "Torchwood" is an anagram for Doctor Who?), HWK was already onboard when we first found it. And John Barrowman as Captain Jack is the only gay man that has ever made me wish I could convert him! And the clothes! Oh, the dashing coats for Jack! Ianto's tailored suits! The modern slick design of everyone else's moto-cross style jackets! And gorgeous Cardiff as a location!
Now, don't get me wrong here - I love the BBC for their news, HWK and The Teenager are addicted to Top Gear, the new Sherlock Holmes is adorable...I could go on and on. (Anyone remember "Hex"?? I LOVED that show!!) But my one true love, no matter the quirky love triangles, the cheesy aliens, the over the top camp of the dialogue...I adore Torchwood. Now, if you'll excuse me, the power of DVR has made it possible for me to share at least this evening with the Captain! :)
I've had my bottom planted on the couch watching Dr. Who reruns (because Time Lords are hot hot hot.) and caught an episode of Torchwood and really liked it...sigh..so little time..so many shows