04 October 2010

Etsy gone wild and 5 hour energy drinks

It's 2:30AM here and I have a serious case of insomnia.  I know!  I'll feed my Etsy addiction by typing in random search parameters:

"bacon candles" = 21 hits...including "beef jerky fragrance oil"...finally!  A foolproof new perfume to snag a man!

"serial killer" = 126 hits...hmmmm...have to check the shipping on those

"insomnia" = 282 hits...mostly loaded with lavender, which I abhor!

"spa day" = 260 hits...now we're talkin'!

"maid" - 5, 698 hits!!  Wow!!  You really can find everything on Etsy!!

Maid...that reminds me of my weekly "to-do" list.  The one that seems to never quite get finished.  And THAT reminds me of something that makes me growl: some 5 hour energy drink is on TV hawking their wares by showing a "Mom" who heard about the 5 hour drink from her husband, who sometimes gets tired at work (thank goodness the little woman has him to enlighten her!).  She brags to us that she is now able to run her errands, pick up her kids, and still get dinner on the table, all because of this wonderful new drink.

Now I could be wrong, but aren't drinking and "medicine" in the 50s and 60s supposed to have Stepford-ized housewives?  And did anyone in this Company's marketing department think about just how condescending and obnoxious it is to tell a cook/doctor/chauffeur/therapist/coach/laundress/housekeeper/sex goddess that all they need is a five hour energy drink??  Did their volunteer mall focus group all have hastily pulled back ponytails and not a scrid of make-up on?  Had they potty trained a toddler?  Cleaned up cat puke?  Cause if they had, they probably wouldn't have time to fill out that focus group survey, now would they??

How about this -- how about people, men and women, who are managing a household and child(ren) while still attempting to maintain adult relationships continue to do the best that they can, and feel proud of themselves.  How about we all say "thank you" to the people who are bringing up the next generation of our species?  How about you hawk your 5 hour energy drink to someone else?  In fact, how about you ship some down to Marketing.  Because unless they run all over town doing errands, dropped off and picked up kids, paid the bills, taken care of the pets, cooked, cleaned, and done laundry (often all of this before noon), they may want to take a moment before suggesting a "hip new drink" to help lighten Mama's load.


  1. OMG I was thinking the same thing last night when that stupid commercial came on!! my favorite part mind you is that the husband has his behind parked on the couch and is reading the newspaper all smiles!! I'll stick to chocolate thank you :) and I'll pass on the jerky scented candles...eww. LOL!

  2. OMG i just shot my 5 hour energy drink out my nose!! Now I won't get anything done today....
    U should totally foward this to that company...Nic and I have yer back...

  3. That commercial just makes me crazy!

    And yes, Bacon scented anything BUT bacon is revolting! I love Etsy, though. And my other favorite site for HWK & The Teenager is ThinkGeek.com - where Zombies and bacon are the main subjects - why the combo is so popular with boys, I'd rather not think about!
